Scheduling A Page To Publish Or A Change To A Page

Scenario: You would like to schedule a page to go live, or schedule a change to page.


  1. If you would like to schedule a change to an existing page, start by using the rewriting & republish feature for the page.
  2. Then once you have the page ready, in the settings panel on the right side, click to the first tab which will be titled Post, Page, Calendar, Directory, or Product.
  3. Look for the heading Summary and find the item titled Publish on the list, it will have the word “Immediately” or possibly a date next to it. Click the date to set a date & time in the future to publish the post, and then click Schedule or Republish.
  4. Once you click this, you’ll be able to copy the page URL and you can add that to marketing materials or other parts of the site. Just note that the page won’t visible until after the date & time you selected passes. Important: If you are rewriting & republishing a page, make sure you copy the URL of the original page, not the draft you’re working on, as they will be different.
  5. Additionally, we recommend setting the post or page to publish on midnight the day you want it to go live to avoid any issues with caching delaying the page going live.